Diablo 2 Cow Level Not Working

Taking a page out of Diablo 2’s secret cow level, the Not The Cow Level can be accessed by finding Herald to the Queen. Defeat her and a portal will open into bovine madness. Watch out for legions of cow based enemies that will do everything they can do to make sure you don’t want to come back. 39 minutes ago  Not The Cow Level. This has to be both the best meme and worst-kept secret of the franchise. The Cow Level’s existence or lack thereof has been a gag since the game’s early days, and it has gone through a few different iterations in Diablo 3. In the current approach, there are two paths to the udderly ridiculous secret level. How to enjoy Project Diablo 2 (imo) Project Diablo 2 has been on my horizon for a long time because I missed the way classic and pre 1.07 use to play. I was hoping for a challenging game that I wasnt cruising through end game within the first day what has been my. Access the level again in that. The secret cow level is an 'easter egg' inside of the Diablo 2 series. That means you have a leg from a different difficulty, and it will not work. The Burning Hells are not responsible for events that. For the Diablo II inspiration, see The Secret Cow Level.

Power Leveling is the act of leveling one's character in the quickest, most efficient manner possible. By knowing which locations give the most experience and the mechanics involved in gaining experience, players can level very quickly without cheating or exploiting bugs. These guidelines should be suitable for most classes and builds:

General Guidelines:

  • Players should always try to accomplish these steps in full games since the amount of experience increases per player in the game.
  • Asking a higher level character to help clear areas may be better if their speed makes up for the level penalty.
  • Melee players may get their weapons (and mercenary's weapons) Enchanted by a Sorceress to provide a dps boost.
  • Gain access to areas by having higher level characters share waypoints. Some areas will require the completion of quests to advance.
  • Don't put yourself at risk of death in Nightmare and Hell since the penalty on death is 5% and 10% respectively. This is particularly important for Hardcore players as well, for obvious reasons.
  • Hunt for Experience Shrines in different Acts (act 1 usually is the easiest) as you get 50% more experience while it is active, but be careful not to get too close to any monster that can curse you such as unique monsters with the 'Cursed' status, Oblivion Knights, or Baal himself as curses override any active shrine bonus.


  • Level 1 - 15: Repeatedly clear Tristram.
  • Level 15 - 24: Clear Tal Rasha's Tombs in the Canyon of the Magi.
  • Level 24: Complete Rite of Passage.
  • Level 25 - 40: Repeatedly clear the Chaos Sanctuary and Baal.
  • Level 40: Complete Rite of Passage (nightmare difficulty).
  • Level 41-60: Repeatedly clear the Chaos Sanctuary and Baal (nightmare difficulty).
  • Level 60: Complete Rite of Passage (hell difficulty).
  • Level 61-95: Repeatedly kill Baal (hell difficulty).
  • Level 96-99: Advanced High leveling techniques[1] (hell difficulty).


  1. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/370600-diablo-ii-lord-of-destruction/faqs/37709
  2. http://www.diablofans.com/topic/27917-leveling-in-diablo-2/
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Diablo II Monsters[e]
Animals • Demons • Undead
Complete Monster Listing
Modifiers • Experience
Champions • SuperUniques
Monster Categories
Animals • Demons • Undead
Act Bosses • Guest Monsters
Objects • SuperUniques
Uber Monsters
Monster Type
Cow King:
is a Monster
and an Animal
and a SuperUnique

The Cow King is an Animal, and a Hell Bovine.

The Cow King is the leader of the Hell Bovines, and is found in the Secret Cow Level. See the secret cow level page for full details about how to reach this level. The King is unlike other monsters in that receiving credit for killing him (a somewhat complicated process in multiplayer games) makes it impossible for a given character to open the red portal to the cow level. For this reason it's important for characters who wish to continue playing the Cow Level to be sure they do not gain credit for killing the King.

When the King dies for a credited kill to a character, he drops a random array of magical/set/unique items (usually five total) as well as a spray of stamina potions, in an homage to the milk he (she?) would produce were it not a mutated, sexually-ambiguous Hell Bovine.

  • All values are listed by difficulty level: Normal / Nightmare / Hell.


The Cow King's drops are bugged or perhaps intentionally lowered on Hell in v1.10+.

Name Level Experience Hit Points Speed Max TC/Rune
The Cow King 31 / 67 / 86 4030 / 60415 / 183,035 636-1368 / 9768-11988 / 25176-30898 5 12/-, 66/Vex, 66/Vex


The Cow King is always Lightning Enchanted and Magic Resistant. He gains 1 random modifier on Nightmare and 2 on Hell.

  • The Cow King adds lightning damage to every attack, as well as emitting sparks when hit.
Name Attack 1 AR 1 Attack 2 AR 2 Lightning Dmg # of Minions
The Cow King 30-44
6 / 7 / 9


Like most SuperUniques, the Cow King does not regenerate hit points.

  • Regen Rate tells what % of a monster's hit points are recovered per second. Standard is 1.2/sec.
  • Blocking tells what % of successful, blockable attacks will not damage the monster. Monsters need not carry a shield to block.
  • Drain Effectiveness tells what % of a character's mana and life steal apply to that monster. 100 is all, 0 is none.
  • Chill Effectiveness tells what % of a character's cold length applies to the monster. 100 is all, 0 is no freeze/chill at all.
Name Defense Blocking Regen Rate Drain Effectiveness Chill Effectiveness

The Cow King

147 / 691 / 1264
-- --
100 / 85 / 75
50 / 40 / 33


  • Resistances over 99% are listed as immunities and monsters will take no damage from that type of attack.
  • Immunities can be 'broken' by skills that lower resistance, if the value drops below 99%. See the Resistances page for more details.
Name Physical Fire Cold Lightning Poison Magic

The Cow King

0% / 33% / 50% 40% / 65% / 90% 40% / 65% / 90%115% / 140% / 165% 0% / 25% / 33% 0% / 15% / 33%


Diablo cow levelLevel

All SuperUniques (except for Uber Diablo) are found in roughly the same location every game, on all three difficulty levels. (Except for the Uber Monsters who are only found on Hell Difficulty.)

Name Location
The Cow KingAct 1: Secret Cow Level (Always near the Cow Fort.)

Monsters of Diablo II
AnimalsDemonsUndeadAct 1 BossesAct 2 BossesAct 3 BossesAct 4 BossesAct 5 BossesObjectsMonster InfoAct & Uber Bosses
Abominable - Animal - Baboon Demon - Bat Demon - Blood Hawk - Claw Viper - Death Mauler - Frog Demon - Frozen Horror - Giant Mosquito - Giant Spider - Hell Bovine - Leaper - Minion - Saber Cat - Sand Maggot - Sand Maggot Egg - Sand Maggot Young - Sand Raider - Scarab Demon - Siege Beast - Slinger - Spike Fiend - Suicide Minion - Swarm - Tentacle Beast - Thorned Hulk - Vulture Demon - Wendigo - Zakarum Priest - Zakarum Zealot
Blood Lord - Blunderbore - Corrupt Rogue - Corrupt Rogue Archer - Corrupt Rogue Spearwoman - Council Member - Death Mauler - Demon - Demon Imp - Fallen - Fallen Shaman - Festering Appendages - Fetish - Fetish Blowdart - Fetish Shaman - Goatman - Megademon - Minion - Minion of Destruction - Overseer - Pain Worm - Putrid Defiler - Regurgitator - Spike Fiend - Stygian Fury - Succubus - Suicide Minion - Tainted - Vile Child - Vile Mother - Vulture Demon
Bone Fetish - Finger Mage - Greater Mummy - Mummy - Oblivion Knight - Reanimated Horde - Skeleton - Skeleton Archer - Skeleton Mage - Undead - Vampire - Vulture Demon - Willowisp - Wraith - Zombie
Act One BossesAndariel - Bishibosh - Blood Raven - Bone Ash - Bonebreaker - Coldcrow - Corpsefire - Cow King - Griswold - Pitspawn Fouldog - Rakanishu - The Countess - The Smith - Treehead Woodfist
Act Two BossesAncient Kaa the Soulless - Blood Witch the Wild - Coldworm the Burrower - Creeping Feature - Dark Elder - Duriel - Fangskin - Fire Eye - Radament - The Summoner
Act Three BossesBattlemaid Sarina - Bremm Sparkfist - Geleb Flamefinger - Icehawk Riftwing - Ismail Vilehand - Maffer Dragonhand - Mephisto - Sszark the Burning - Stormtree - Toorc Icefist - Witch Doctor Endugu - Wyand Voidbringer
Act Four BossesDiablo - Grand Vizier of Chaos - Hephasto the Armorer - Infector of Souls - Izual - Lord De Seis -
Act Five BossesAchmel the Cursed - Baal - Bartuc the Bloody - Bonesaw Breaker - Colenzo the Annihilator - Dac Farren - Eldritch the Rectifier - Eyeback the Unleashed - Frozenstein - Korlic - Lister the Tormentor - Madawc - Nihlathak - Pindleskin - Sharptooth Slayer - Shenk the Overseer - Snapchip Shatter - Talic - Thresh Socket - Ventar the Unholy
Barricade - Barricaded Tower - Blood Hawk Nest - Catapult - Chest - Evil Demon Huts - Fire Tower - Flying Scimitar - Gargoyle Trap - Lightning Spire - Mummy Sarcophagus - Objects - Prison Door - Trapped Soul
Monster Info
Monster Basics - Guest Monsters - Boss Monsters - Boss Modifiers - Act Bosses - Uber Monsters - Experience
Act Bosses
Uber Monsters
Act Bosses:Andariel - Duriel - Mephisto - Diablo - Baal -
Pandemonium Diablo - Lilith - Uber Izual - Uber Duriel - Uber Baal - Uber Diablo - Uber Mephisto -
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Diablo 2 Cow Level Guide