How To Change Your Player Model In Gmod

How to change model gmod

Tihs video will show you how to change your payer model if your r board of the old man:( love you all.

  • Tihs video will show you how to change your payer model if your r board of the old man:( love you all.
  • Aug 23, 2015 Isn't it bad if players can switch their models anytime in some gamemodes? Admins can always disable the ability to change the model without respawning. If you encounter an incompatible gamemode, it can be added to a blacklist and all functionality of PlayerModel Selector will be disabled there automatically.


  1. Hold 'C' to bring up the context menu.
  2. Find the Playermodel button in the top left corner. Press it.
  3. Select the player model/skin that you want to play as.
  4. After you die next you will spawn with that player model/skin.
    • You can kill yourself by bringing up the console with the ~ key (if enabled in settings), typing kill, and pressing enter.


Depending on gamemode, you can change your playermodel a few different ways.


  1. Press F4
  2. Scroll through the jobs that that server has listed to find a playermodel you like.
  3. Click on it and click 'Become Job' or something similar (this might change depending on the server).
  4. When you respawn you should have that player model/skin.


How To Change Your Player Model In Gmod

Most TTT servers will have a pointshop where you can buy different player models/skins with points you receive for playing the server. Type !shop or !ps to open this menu. If these don't work simply just ask in chat if they use pointshop or how to get a different playermodel.

Hello and welcome, we are still in an early stage. Feel free to contribute!

PAC3 or Player Appearance Customiser 3 is a Garry's Mod add-on that gives you the ability to personalize your playermodel's look by placing objects and effects on yourself. You can go from simply putting a hat on your head, to creating an entirely new playermodel.

You can wear your outfit on any server with PAC3 installed and everyone should be able to see it on you as long as they have the content you used, or if your content is hosted online.

Looking for tutorials? List of all PAC3 tutorials | Tutorials

Need some outfit examples? Examples

You'd like some tools to help you create PAC content? Useful Tools


  • User interface



List of PAC Parts


Click on a part to learn more about it.Yellow links do not exist. If you know how to use these parts, edit the page. If you need help related to these, ask on the PAC Discord.

AnimationBeamBodygroupBoneCameraClipCommandCustom AnimationDecalEffectEntityEventFlexFogGestureGroupHaloHoldtypeJiggleLightMaterialModelOggParticlesPhysicsPoseparameterProjectileProxyShakeSoundSpriteSubmaterialSunbeamsTextTrailWebaudioWoohoo


How To Change Your Player Model In Gmod Free

BoneClipEntityLightMaterial2DMaterial3DMaterial Eye RefractMaterial RefractModelPlayer ConfigPlayer MovementProjected TextureSoundTrailWeapon

Pages edited in the last 7 days.

How To Change Model Gmod


  • Replacing materials/textures — Yagira 2020/12/10 18:40

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How To Change Your Player Model In Gmod Download

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Change character model garry

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How To Change Your Player Model In Gmod Server

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How To Change Your Player Model In Gmod Windows 10

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